Cloud-Based Billing and Subscriber Management Gains Acceptance @Broadband Properties

10/18/11 by Broadband Communities Staff  | More than 80 operators worldwide now use BroadHub in the Cloud, a cloud-based subscriber management and billing system, according to B/OSS solutions vendor Great Lakes Data Systems (GLDS).

With BroadHub in the Cloud, service providers can access GLDS’ flagship BroadHub solution via the Internet without any hardware or infrastructure investment. With only a thin client and an Internet connection, service providers can have instant access to the BroadHub billing and subscriber management system, anytime, anywhere. Remote workers can access BroadHub from a simple browser. GLDS, which operates the cloud service, provides and maintains all related hardware and performs system maintenance, back-ups, restores, PPV loads and system upgrades.

“BroadHub in the Cloud is rapidly growing in popularity among our customers because it offers a low start-up cost, it’s easy to use and [it] gives them full anytime access to BroadHub from the convenience of a virtual, cloud-based session. This makes it an excellent choice for smaller systems or for larger ones looking for cost-effective ways of managing their business systems,” says GLDS president Garrick Russell.

Savage Communications, a triple-play broadband operator with 5,500 subscribers in east central and northern Minnesota, used GLDS’ BroadHub stand-alone product for five years. After recently transitioning to BroadHub in the Cloud, Savage IT Manager Patrick Hilke commented, “GLDS did a great job with transitioning us to their cloud-based platform. Better still, I recently ran a customer summary report. While it used to take more than an hour on our old server, it only took four minutes to complete the report on the new, hosted solution.”

Read the original article here.